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Rustad discovered that somebody using the name Sidney P. The workshop runs May 3, 10, 17 and 24 from 7-9 p.m., costs $140 and is billed as appropriate for all levels and all genres.Ĭanadian author Harley Rustad uncovered a strange case of plagiarism recently while looking for his own book, Lost in the Valley of Death, on Amazon. Moncrieff is leading a four-week online workshop through the Winnipeg International Writers� Festival entitled Writing a Page Turner.

Looking to write a book that keeps readers hooked?

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The in-person launch, hosted by fellow author Colleen Nelson, will also be streamed on McNally Robinson�s YouTube channel. The new book tells the story of a 12-year-old who�s hit by lightning, meets a being from a parallel world and acquires strange new powers that he needs to use to solve a mystery and get his new friend home.

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